Friday, May 14, 2010

Color Photos

Depression/ Sadness

The color blue represents sadness. The overall picture says sad, and i think that the color blue adds to that feeling. To this picture I saturated the background. I also used saturation on Arianna's shirt and her blue eyes to make them brighter and stand out in the picture more.

Energy/ Happiness

Yellow is a very energetic and happy color when i see this picture it is what i think of. To this picture I saturated the background to make Karly standout more. I also made the Yellow in her shirt brighter and also the yellow lines on the ground brighter.

When i think of green I think of the calming effect it has on people. I wanted to capture this in a picture. I liked the lighting because it was soft while still having a lot of light in the background. I also blurred this picture because i think it adds to the softer look/ feeling.

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