Friday, April 30, 2010

making photos pop


I took this picture because i really liked the ways the leaves looked. The picture before was pretty dark and dull. By using this filter the picture was brightened and the sunlight shining on them was more noticeable

I chose to do this filter to this image because i liked the colors to begin with. The colors were already bright and i really liked that. With using this filter the colors were made even brighter and more clear.

Filter the background

For this picture i wanted to use this filter because i wanted the main focus to be on the yellow flowers. The flowers in the middle of all of this brown brush and i liked how pretty the flowers are against it. By using this filter the flowers remain in focus while the background is blurred.
For this picture i wanted by favorite lower ( the lowest yellow one) to be the focus. By using this filter i was able to do that by making the background blurred while the yellow still in focus.

Neon Glow

The flower up close is the first thing you would originally see but i really liked how the sun hit the plant in the background and with the neon glow it really showcases this.

Again with this photo i really like the colors and by added the neon glow it added to that and made the colors stand out even more.

Easy Blur

I really liked both of these picture and the contrast between the dark branches and the light sky was really strong be using the easy blur i kind of toned down the strong contrast between the two. Overall it kind of gave it a little bit of a calmer look.